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By working with Avani, you are guaranteed an authentic, honest and collaborative service tailored to your business needs.

Our Recruitment

Step 01

Let's talk about you!

Isn't that how it should be? After all, to recruit the best candidates who can truly drive your organisation forward, we need a deep understanding of your business and its unique culture. This involves meeting you, getting to know your team culture and creating a comprehensive job brief to ensure a successful partnership.
Step 02

Unearthing Individuals

Not Just Resumes! Have you ever sat in someone else’s workplace, absorbing the culture? We have. People are the core of any organisation, and our strength lies in going the extra mile to discover the perfect synergy between the workplace and the candidate. This process involves effective advertising and sourcing strategies, in-depth candidate assessments and presenting a carefully curated shortlist that aligns seamlessly with your organisations culture.

Unleashing Potential and Digging Deeper!

None of us are flawless, we can always benefit from refining our interviewing skills. We're here to offer candid and genuine assessments of your interview process. This entails providing expert guidance on the right questions to ask, ensuring you extract concise and comprehensive responses from candidates.
Step 04

Signed, Sealed, Delivered!

You've found a candidate you like, and they like you. It might seem like it's a done deal, but we're in it for the long haul to ensure a successful outcome for everyone involved. This includes skilfully negotiating offers, placing the right candidate and backing it up with our guarantees.
Step 05

We’re along for the ride!

You can’t get rid of us that easy. Once the candidate has accepted the role, and a start date is set in stone, we continue to nurture enduring relationships with both parties. This encompasses comprehensive onboarding, scheduled performance reviews, a post-placement care program, including check-ins at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months.

Are you looking for talent? Start hiring now

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